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Business Secrets About Money That Most Physicians Were Never Taught

As Doctors, We Were Never Taught Anything About Money In Medical School. We Have Been Purposely Kept In The Dark, While All Of The People Around Us Are Working Less And Becoming More Wealthy.

Most doctors make a decent living, but that doesn’t mean they are wealthy. Physician salaries and income may be high, but their expenses are also high. If you stopped working today, how many months would you have, before you ran out of money?

Just because we are doctors, doesn’t mean we can’t get seriously injured or sick.

If You Suddenly Couldn’t Work Due To An Accident:
How many months would you have, before you had to move to a cheaper house?
How many months would you have, before you started to deplete your savings?
Did you know that disability insurance doesn’t cover your full income, and unreimbursed medical expenses bankrupt the families of most physicians?
Have you anticipated an additional $285, 000 in medical expenses?
Have you anticipated spending $128, 000 a year for the next 10 to 20 years if you have to go into a nursing home facility?
If Any Of Those Questions Scare You…
Consider this your wake-up call, your chance to take control of your own future.

Physicians today face huge challenges in a rapidly changing healthcare environment:

Regulation and compliance
Evermore patient demands and never enough time to help
It’s no wonder the burnout rate is so high.

How Are We Supposed To Help Our Patients When We Are Struggling With Our Own Financial Well-Being?
Do something about it!

As A Physician, The Last Thing I Thought I Would Have To Worry About Was Money.
I don’t know why, but I really thought having a 401K and investing in the stock market would let me retire wealthy. I was seriously mistaken. Blindly trusting my money to stockbrokers, promising an 8-10% return, does not actually lead to financial freedom.

As physicians, we assumed that if we simply took care of our patients, we would make more than enough money and that we would never have to worry about money. That eventually when we retired, we would retire with freedom and the resources to enjoy it.

We assumed that by doing good for others, we ourselves would be rewarded.
We assumed that because we have a high salary, we would never run out of money.
Most of us grew up thinking that even talking about money was a bad thing.
Most of us grew up thinking that even talking about money was a bad thing.
Unfortunately, we have ignored our financial education, to our peril.
We trusted in our financial advisers, to guide us in saving for our eventual retirement goals, but in reality, we are putting money into their pockets and they really have nothing to lose. They charge us a fee, whether they make money or not, and if we lose everything, they lose nothing.

Our hospital administrators, our governmental officials, our financial advisers, even our gas station and dry cleaner owners have more wealth and time freedom than we do.

The system is rigged against us. We get taxed at the highest levels and have nothing left to show for it.

At the end of the day, most physicians end up dying broke and broken.

Did You Know About 10,000 People Retire Each Day In The U.S.?
That’s about 300,000 people per month.

Almost 40 million households have no retirement savings at all, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security.

Close to two-thirds of seniors cite finances as the primary reason why they remain at work, according to a recent poll by Provision Living, a provider of senior living communities.

The Problem Is That:
One year of nursing home care, in a semiprivate room is projected to be $128,100 in
A 65-year-old couple retiring in 2019 can expect to spend $285,000 on healthcare costs in retirement
But working seniors only had an average of $133,108 saved for
But What Does This Really Have To Do With Physicians???
I just happened to be making post-anesthesia rounds in the psych ward of an urban university hospital, on a trauma patient that one of my residents had managed to break a tooth on… Not the usual place I would want to find myself at 9 pm after a busy day, but the show must go on.

A patient in a wheelchair motioned me over. He seemed to know who I was, but I had no idea why this disheveled “patient” wanted to talk to me.

It turns out, he had been the head of General Surgery at that very hospital, three years previously, about a year before I had started.

In the OR’s the nurses had regaled me with battle stories about him, stories about life-saving heroics, but I hadn’t met him until that day.

For that day and the next few days when I could steal away a little time, we talked. He needed to pass on what he had learned, what had happened. What had gone right, what had gone wrong, what he wished he had done differently.

He had worked nearly a hundred hours a week for his entire adult life. He was a doctor’s doctor.

He was extremely skilled. He had sacrificed his personal goals to help his patients.

He had made all kinds of money, but he wasn’t in it for the money.

He let his stockbroker manage it. The market would have its ups and downs, but he knew that it would always recover. Because of the stock market crash of 2008, the broker had lost nearly everything. His broker had been actively trading the account as the physician was getting closer to retirement and the overall return wasn’t going to be quite high enough to retire.

Unfortunately, the stock market crash came unexpectedly about 3 months before he got diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer.

By the time he got through treatment and got his head above water, the market was decimated.

He ran out of disability money, he ran out of savings, and eventually, he ran out of hope.

He didn’t die from cancer, he died from desperation and fatigue.

I had met him in the last few days of his life. I had met him too late.

Nearly Every Week, I Hear Of Yet Another Physician Who’s Burned Out.
A physician who has to close their practice or sell to the hospital and then gets pushed out of their
A physician who seemingly is on top of the world, but in reality is cutting corners to make ends
A physician who can’t get off the treadmill of work, or he will lose

The vast majority of physicians realized they were running out of money… but after they had retired.

If You Want To Live Off Even Half Of Your Final Salary In Retirement, You Need To Save At Least 40% Of Your Income Over The Next 30 Years.

This assumes a historical return of 8-10%. Unfortunately, the projected stock market return is 6% and the Fed inflation target is 2.5%, so the real rate of return is closer to 3%.

Olivia S. Mitchell, professor of insurance/risk management and business economics & public policy, and executive director of Wharton’s Pension Research Council at the University of Pennsylvania.

The reality is that although physicians make a lot of money, they also have huge bills. At the end of the day, they will run out of money just like everybody else, but faster…

Let Me Share A Few Business Secrets About Money, That Most Physicians Were Never Taught.
Are you looking to enhance your financial well-being, and truly live the life that you deserve?

Are you looking for a way to pay less in taxes and keep more of your money?

If You’d Like To Find Out More, Join Our Physician Investors Club,
where you can schedule a phone call with me, and I will send you a free book “Financial Freedom for Physicians.”

What Breaks My Heart.
A fifty-three-year-old female physician colleague reached out to me because she needed a loan.

She had been getting bank loans because she couldn’t make ends meet, despite the fact she made a good living. She had some taxes she had to catch up on, she had college

for her kids she was paying on, she had car payments, and she had gotten behind on a mortgage.

She hadn’t been able to save anything, let alone save enough to retire. As soon as she wasn’t feeding her financial advisers with investment cash, they had stopped returning her calls.

When the bank stopped lending to her, she went to private money loans through loan brokers, who charged her a hefty fee, that she thought she could just pay off with her next few paychecks.

She had been struggling financially, and only turned to me because she had heard that I had helped another physician avoid financial catastrophe when he became disabled from a bad car accident, and I had helped him.

She assumed that I had given that physician a loan until he got back on his feet. I hadn’t given him a loan; I had given him something far more valuable.

I had given him the information and guidance to get off the paycheck treadmill, to no longer be a wage slave.

I had given him the tools to invest money passively, so whether he worked or not, he would still make money.

I gave him the tools to reduce how much tax he was paying, over 40% of his paycheck.

I had shared with him why the stock market was a veneer of truth, covering all manner of unspeakable financial rot.

I had shared with him what true wealth was, the freedom of being a physician, helping patients, and not worrying about if there was going to be enough money to pay for his daughter’s wedding.

Physicians need true financial education and specific tools to understand these complexities, so we stop getting taken advantage of.

So What Are We Supposed To Do?
So my fifty-three-year-old physician colleague got her financial house in order. She changed her relationship with money and managed it like you would manage a ventilator in the ICU. She had been on life support, but now that she knew how to make a change, she could wean herself off of life support.

She paid off her highest interest loans, she stopped spending as a distraction, she set up a reserve bank account for investment, and eventually rolled over her non-performing

retirement accounts into performing assets that not only generated monthly cash flow but also gained in value. Assets that didn’t fluctuate minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day. Tangible assets that would help her retire, and that her kids could eventually inherit.

Financial education is not something physicians are taught in medical school.

We sacrifice the majority of our adult lives to help patients, to help save their lives. We’ve spent so much of our brainpower caring for our patients, we ignore our own financial future.

The financial information we get is filtered through the lens of our financial advisers who tell us to invest for the long-term, in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

This couldn’t be farther from the real truth. We are being bamboozled by paper asset managers; we have been blinded to the truth.

At Red Pill Kapital, we are physicians just like you. We recognize your time is valuable, and are here to help simplify and streamline the process for you.

Our Mission Is To Empower You, As A Physician Investor, By Providing You With A Clear And Concise Map To Navigate Real Investments:
That help you reduce your taxes
That keep pace with inflation
Those are passive so you can focus on your true passion to help patients
Red Pill Kapital is a physician-owned commercial real estate investment and education company. We specialize in tax-advantaged commercial real estate assets that produce real results.

How To Learn More.
I look for opportunities where I can generate an asymmetric return, a return where the benefit is far greater than the risk. When you invest in the stock market and you have special knowledge that no one else does, you are breaking the law. But when I invest in real estate assets and I have special knowledge, it’s just considered being smart.

I was once working on an interesting spinal cord implant technology that I knew would make a fortune, but because I had special secret knowledge, I couldn’t tell anybody else and I couldn’t invest in it.

In my real estate investing world, I found out about a pending zoning change that would create a huge windfall for a specific area. Before the newspapers made it public knowledge, I tied up the properties with purchase options. That special knowledge still gives me an extra $5,000 of cash flow every month.

As physicians, we never learned much about money in medical school.

It’s no wonder that physicians are considered such easy prey for financial
It’s no wonder that physicians have such a high burnout
It’s no wonder that a lot of them die
Don’t let this be you. Make a decision to take your financial future in a new direction, where you can achieve true wealth, a future where you can make money even while you aren’t working.

True wealth is not having to work.

Are you looking to enhance your financial well-being, and truly live the life that you deserve?

If you’d like to find out more, join our physician investors club, where you can schedule a phone call with me, and I will send you a free book “Financial Freedom for Physicians.”

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Version 1. Copyright © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Gurpreet Padda. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to Redpillkapital investments, LLC. Website: Redpillkapital.Com

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While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This publication is intended as a reference volume only. It is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. All forms of financial investment pose some inherent risks. The author is not engaged in rendering professional services, and you should consult a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable in any way for any profit or loss or any other commercial damages, including, but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages you may incur as a result of reading this publication. The publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user’s particular business.

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If you simply need more information. have questions, or want to discuss a specific deal, I’m always excited to help. Reach out to me at

If you are ready to start your journey to financial freedom but want specific additional educational materials, we have a course designed for physicians.

paindoctor Real Estate

What Is Financial Freedom For Physicians?

So, What Is Financial Freedom For Physicians? It Never Occurred To Me, Until One Day An Extremely Wealthy Businesswoman Asked Me, «So, What’s Your Number?» I Thought, «What Does She Mean?» I’ll Explain.
Real estate is the most powerful way to accumulate wealth. More people have become millionaires through real estate than any other means. We know how to find the property, create a plan for improving the cashflow, negotiate the deal, and manage the asset. Your passive investment provides you with the opportunity to earn an income without the nine to five. We create a unique business strategy that fits your financial and investment goals. Get the financial freedom you need to do more of what you love. We Are Red Pill Kapital, With A K.
Making Money As A Physician?
So, when you make money as a physician, it’s an active endeavor. It’s a personal service business. What you’re doing is you’re trading your time for somebody else’s money. It’s a skill. It’s not something that’s fungible. You can’t go on Amazon and say, «Give me two units of a physician.» You can’t say, «Oh, I need a toaster, and I need it in black,» and they make 3,000 of these things a minute, and you need two of them. You’re not a widget. It’s a highly compensated, highly trained field, but unfortunately, because it’s such a specialized skill, because it’s so highly training, and it’s so lucrative, you have something called Golden Handcuffs.
• What happens if, for example, there’s a disruption?
• What happens if there’s death?
• What happens if there’s a disability?
• What happens if there’s a divorce? What happens even if you have to take a long vacation and you make your money actively?
• What happens to your income?
• How long do you have?
• How long does your family have before it runs out of money, if you have no active income?
How Long Can You Survive On Your Savings Alone, If You Lose All Of Your Active Income?
Take your total savings divided by your average monthly expenses, and you’ll get a number, and it’s the numbers of months of survival.
Now, you might be able to prolong your months of survival, if you have a death insurance plan, a life insurance plan, or if you have a disability insurance plan. You might have an improvement in the number of months of survival, but you know what? This comes at the expense of the person who’s disabled. This comes at the expense or the life of the person who’s the insured. If you’re that person, it’s not a good thing, because the only way that your family members are going to get that value is if you expire. Even if you become disabled, it’s highly likely that your average monthly expenses will dramatically increase, not decrease, and they’ll never increase to the level that you made when you were an active participant in the labor force.
This might explain why there’s a very high suicide rate in professionals, such as medical professionals. There’s financial duress that occurs, and sometimes people face these horrendous potential disabilities and a future reduction in income, and they don’t really see a way out. This might partially explain why suicide rates are correlated closely with financial instability.

What’s Your Number?
It’s your average monthly expenses times 1.30. That’s your number. That’s how much money you need to survive. Based upon your personal number, how many months can you survive? So, take your total savings, divide it by this number, and that gives you months of integrity.

Disability Is Not A Black Swan Event
I mentioned disability, and I want to graphically represent this. In the red line is your expenses. In the green line is your income, if you’re an active income worker. If you become disabled, which is the purple arrow, all of a sudden your expenses start to go up, and your income starts to go down, and what little you had left in savings disappears, and instead you start to accrue
debt. You’re far more likely to become disabled than die. On average, a 32-year-old male is six and a half times more likely to become disabled than die. Deaths due to cancer, heart disease, and stroke have gone down 32 percent, but the disability rate has increased 55 percent.
The things that used to kill people instead now disable them, and the problem is the disability costs way more than the death does.
Income Vs Expense With Disability

But I Have Disability Insurance
You might tell me, «But I have disability insurance. I’ll be okay.» You know, the reality is even if you have insurance, it’s not going to recover your income to the level it was before, and it’s not going to cover the income to the same level as your expenses are going to go up. So, no matter what, you’re not going to be able to maintain the delta between your active income, your expenses, and you’re going to end up negative. You’re probably going to end up in debt.
Disability is more likely to occur long before retirement, but that’s only because the mortality statistics suggest that death is more likely as we age, and that disability is far more expensive to you individually than death. It’s really a catastrophic number that most people don’t plan on; they don’t anticipate. Some people have disability insurance, but they don’t realize how many loopholes are in there, how many hidden limitations, what the time limitations are, or what the occupancy specific limitations are.
Being a physician, and having a disability, and having it occupation-specific to a physician doesn’t mean much. It has to be occupation-specific to what you do specifically at this time. It’s interesting to me. People change what they do, even as physicians, three to four times in their career, and rarely does their disability insurance keep track of that. The other thing is people set and forget their disability insurance. They get it at one time, and 15 or 20 years later, it has no bearing on what they’re currently doing, and it’s usually not indexed
to inflation, and it’s usually not indexed to income changes. You’ve worked actively, and suddenly your entire future gets destroyed, and all of your years of sacrifice are evaporated, because you didn’t anticipate disability.
Population Is Living Longer, But Sicker, With Greater Financial Needs
So, one year of nursing home care in a semi-private room in 2011 was estimated to cost about
$78,000. In 2021, the estimated cost is going to be $128,000. That’s a 64 percent projected growth rate. Did you earn a 64 percent projected return rate on your stock market investment from 2011 to 2021, 10 years? I don’t think so.

Most Americans Live Paycheck To Paycheck
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and the reality is that the median American household currently holds about $11,700 in bank accounts and retirement savings accounts. That includes all their money. Now, median balances are different than average balances. So, the average balance is $34,730. This is the difference between mean, median, and mode. But the reality is 29 percent of households have less than $1,000 in savings. Millennials obviously have the least amount. Baby boomers and older have about $24,280, but they’re getting close to retirement.
The Northwestern Mutual 2018 Planning and Progress Report found that Americans average about
$38,000 in personal debt, excluding their home mortgage. So, even though they might have $34,730 in savings account median, their average debt is $38,000, so they’re actually net negative. About 30 percent of Americans use up about $14,000 of savings a year, so they go negative $14,000 every single year.
The 2018 Federal Reserve Report indicates that about 40 percent of Americans struggle with just paying a $400 emergency bill. 27 percent of those surveyed would need to borrow money to cover a
$400 bill. 12 percent wouldn’t be able to cover it at all. About one in five adults had a major unexpected medical bill last year, and one in four adults skipped necessary medical care because they couldn’t afford it. So, people are living on the brittle edge of insolvency.
At any given time, about 17 to 20 percent of adults are unable to pay their current month’s bills. They’re going in debt every single month. The real median household income in 2018-2019 was about $61,372, which in real dollars is almost exactly the same as it was in 1999. So, the household income average is
$61,372. The average expenditure per consumer unit was $61,224, again indicating that really there’s no difference between people’s income and their expenses. They’re spending everything that they have.
So, what does that have to do with physicians? Physicians make more money, don’t they?

In other words, two thirds of physicians are net negative. After they get their income and they pay off all of their expenses, there’s nothing left over, and there are a lot of reasons for this.
I mean, obviously it’s the concept of “I finally made some money, and I’m going to do what I need to do,” or it’s the concept of keeping up with the Joneses, or it’s the concept of, “You know what, I’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars of
medical school debt.” There’s an interesting study on neurosurgeons that the vast majority of neurosurgeons continue to pay off student debt well into their 50s. What’s happening is just like regular people, physicians’ expenses match their income, so they have nothing left in savings – just the numbers are a lot bigger.

Being An Active Wage Employee Leaves You Exposed
If You’re An Active-Wage Employee, You’re Exposed.
The reason why is active-wage employment is taxed at the highest possible level. Active employment requires constant activity to maintain your financial integrity. It’s like bucketing out water from a lifeboat that’s sinking. The problem is all you can do is bucket faster, and once you start to get behind, it’s hard to get above water again. But the other problem is you don’t realize, as a physician, your lifeboat is only standing in about three feet of water, and you’re drowning in these three feet of water. If you get out of the lifeboat, you can stand up, and look at the horizon, and walk out of this mess.
These Are The Things That I Want You To Think About, Immediately.
You need to set up some bank accounts and set up some hierarchical accounts. You want to set up an integrity account, which is essentially the number. You figured out what your number was, so multiply that by six, and set up an integrity account. This is where your emergency cash reserve is going to go. It doesn’t mean that you have to set it all up at once, but that’s your intention. Your first goal is to set up enough money being put aside that you have an integrity account, so that should you have an acute expense – should you have something horrendous happen – you’ve got six months of cash.

Your next account, the next flow over, should go into an investment account. You want to have a set dollar amount per pay period going into investment. Now, you notice that your living expenses don’t come until third. What you want to do then is identify what your actual dollars per pay period are that you’re going to use for living expenses, and put it into that living expenses account, and live from that living expenses account. Then you want to pay down
debt, and it’s a strategic pay down. I’m going to go through that in a few seconds. Only after you’ve done your debt pay down can you put some money aside for a splurge account – the dopamine account, the thing that makes you feel good. You have to have something that you’re looking forward to, and so that’s your splurge account. Then whatever you have left, it goes into your final bucket, which is your residual investment account. Sweep everything that you have left into a residual investment account.
Upgrade Wealth Operating System
What I’m really talking about is upgrading your wealth operating system. Your wealth operating system is how you perceive your relationship with money. Most people have an extremely defective wealth operating system. People think that if they spend money, it’s a bad thing. Some people think that money itself is a bad thing. Some people think that rich people are bad people. Ask herself a question, and just close your eyes and ask. If you’re asking, «Rich people are … Rich people do …» ask yourself if you’re getting any negative connotations. Are rich people greedy? Do rich people take advantage of other people? If these things resonate in your head, your wealth operating system is defective.
If you asked yourself, «Money is …» and you let yourself just write it down on a piece of paper, what is money? If money is dirty, if money is something that’s scary, if money is something that you lack, then your wealth operating system is defective. If you asked yourself, «Money makes people …» and if you end up with words greedy, if money makes people jealous, if money makes people behave badly, your wealth operating system is defective. Because money and wealth are merely tools as a process of success. Innately there’s nothing good and there’s nothing bad about money. Money is just simply something that you can use to accomplish a particular task. So, you need to upgrade your wealth
operating system. You need to definitely calculate your number. You need to accumulate your cash for six months of integrity.

Debt Rules: Arbitrage Interest Rates
As you upgrade your wealth operating system, you want to remove rules. So, I want to talk about debt rules, specific things that you pick up along the way, things I wish somebody had mentioned to me. When you look at things that you have debt on, if they have a high interest rate and
their interest rate’s above 12 percent, you want to pay them off first, because you can generate probably in your investments, if they’re significant investments, you could probably generate 12 percent or greater. So, if you pay off debt and it’s above 12 percent, it’s better to do that, because it’s still an investment. You’re just paying it off. It’s just that you’re not getting the money directly, but you’re saving the money. If the cost of interest is between six and 12 percent, you need to evaluate it. You know, you might be better off paying off that debt. You might not be.
The key thing is take all of your debts and consolidate it down to the least number of units that you have to pay off. Usually when you consolidate debt and you aggregate it together, then the interest rate drops. If it’s a minimal debt interest rate, below 6 percent, you want to make a minimal payment on it, because you’re definitely going to make more money in other investments well above 6 percent. What you want to do is you want to take that cash that you would have used to pay down that debt and invest it into cash flow projects. If the interest rate on your debt is below 6 percent – 6 percent to
12 percent – you need to evaluate it closely. Above 12 percent, you definitely need to pay that stuff off immediately.
Really, the Power Of Compounding is what this is. Let’s take an example. So, $10 invested for 30 years. Simple interest versus compounded rates of return. Let’s say that you had $10 at year one, and you took out $10 at year 30. At a 7 percent rate of return, you’d get $10 principal back. If you had invested without compounding, you would’ve made about 25 bucks, but with compounding, you end up walking away with $80 per $10 invested. That’s the value of compounding. Compounding is essentially a formula that allows you to reinvest that money on a monthly basis, and so you’re making money off of the money that you already invested, and it generates a rate of return. You add that to your principal, so that you make more money off of it. If you don’t have compounding interest, somebody else is eating your lunch.

Let’s just do a little, quick comparison, just because I think it’s important to understand what a huge difference compounding makes. Let’s say that you took an investment at 2 percent versus 10 percent versus 18 percent over 30 years, and you invested $100. You start with $100. What is it worth at 2 percent, 10 percent, and 18 percent over 30 years? At 2 percent, it’s worth $182. At 10 percent, your
$100 has grown to $1,984, but at 18 percent over 30 years, your investment is now $21,000. That’s a huge difference. This is going to become much more relevant shortly, when we start talking about what happens in the stock market and what your real rates of return are. I think you should pay attention to this, because your real rates of return are nowhere near what they’re telling you.

Quick Analysis Compounded ReturnRule Of 72
Another way to look at it is the rule of 72. It’s a quick way to determine the number of years it takes to double your actual cash. Now, this is a quick and dirty way. This is not science. This is just a real simple way — back of the napkin. Take whatever interest rate it is. So, let’s say you’re going to make a 2.5 percent compounded return on something. Take 72, divide by 2.5, and it gives you the number of years it would have taken to double your money.

Debt Rules: Arbitrage Interest Rates
Taxes – the failure to account for taxes is incredible to me. Most physicians are either employees or they’re self-employed. They have an average tax rate of 40 to 60 percent on their income.
Doesn’t that seem bizarre? Because these are the hardest working people we have in our community, and they’re the ones saving the lives, and they’re the ones that we’re taxing the most. Do you know who has the lowest tax rate? Investors and business owners – people that own dry cleaners, people that own convenience stores, people that invest their cash. In fact, if you make money on your money, you probably don’t even pay any taxes at all, but if you’re a hardworking physician, and you get blood on your shoes, and you have to deal with difficult patient situations that are life-threatening, you’re getting taxed 40 to 60 percent. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. This is the issue. The biggest single cost burden that you have to your wealth taxes, and you are in the wrong category, and so you have to understand that and see exactly why.

Retirement Financial Stability
Why is it that physicians don’t feel comfortable about their financial preparedness going into retirement? This is an AMA study that was done in 2018, and over half the physicians are worried about volatile market conditions and depleted savings. 43 percent of the physicians felt like they didn’t save enough. 28 percent thought that they started saving too late. If you look at all of these things, these physicians are heavily focused in on savings, and I’m going to conjecture that this is the wrong thing to do. Focusing in on pure savings is buying into the mentality of what portfolio managers want you to buy into, and I don’t think that you can save yourself enough to get to retirement, based on market volatility, and inflation, and fees. Most people will never be able to retire if you really look at it.

The 4% Rule: (Traditional Investments In A Balanced Portfolio Of Stocks, Bonds, And Cash)
When I look at how much money can somebody take out of retirement at any given time, there’s something called the 4 percent rule, and that’s assuming that you’re using traditional investment tools, like balanced portfolios, bonds, stock, and cash. It says that you can take out about 4 percent of your total investment portfolio in any given year, and that portfolio will last you about 30 years. That assumes, though, that the inflation rate is the historical 2.5 to 3 percent, and it also assumes that the compounded rate of return in your traditional investment portfolio is about 6 percent. It also assumes that taxes don’t go up. It assumes that fees don’t go up. It also assumes that you’ve reinvested all of your dividends. So, what does this mean?
If you invested a million dollars in a balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash, you could withdraw about 4 percent per year with a steady decline in the principal over the next 30 years. The keyword here is steady decline in principle. At the end of 30 years, you don’t have anything. There’s nothing left. So, if you took $1 million when you were 30, over the next 30 years, by the time you turn to 60, you would have nothing left. Now, the problem is expenses. People are living a lot longer than 30 years, and they’re living a lot sicker. Only 12.2 percent of the U.S. population is now healthy. That means
78 percent plus of the population has significant comorbid diseases, and that’s going to be a very significant factor for most people.
It also assumes that the tax rates don’t go up, but the reality is tax rates are going up, and they’re going to tax your retirement. They’re saying that these are tax free, but when you look at use taxes, use taxes are I buy a piece of bubblegum, and it costs me 10 cents, and I pay 1 cent in tax, because I eat that bubblegum. That’s not a federal tax. That’s not state tax. That’s a sales tax. It’s a use tax. If I buy
a car, then I might have to pay a couple thousand dollars of use tax to the state. I might have to pay a municipal tax.
These use taxes have nothing to do with your deferred tax plans and your 401ks. So, once the money comes out of the 401k, you’re going to be using it. You’re going to use it to buy things, and the things that you buy are going to have definite use taxes. I also believe that real estate taxes will probably
go up. I also believe that the federal government will come up with all kinds of novel ways, because they’ve run out of money, and the only place that they can get their money is from you. So, they’re going to figure out innovative ways to get your money.
The other reality is we have a negative yield bond rate right now. So, that means that there isn’t a lot of money that you’re going to generate off of investments in bonds. In fact, it’s negative. When that happens over a prolonged period of time, stock market returns will start to drop, because people will
not be able to maintain high levels of stock prices as interest rates continue to drop. You have to have a certain amount of economic friction with inflation and you have to have a certain amount of economic friction in bonds in order to maintain elevating stock market prices. When those things disappear, stock market prices start to drop. In the short run, they go up, but in the long run, they drop.

What If Your Income Is Passive, And Is Growing >4% (Non-Traditional, Tax-Advantaged)?
So, if your income is passive, and it’s growing greater than 4 percent in non-traditional tax-advantaged states, it creates a whole different mechanism, because if your average monthly expenses times 1.3
is your number and based upon your number, assuming that you’re constant renewing passive cash flow exceeds your number, it really doesn’t matter what your total savings is, because as long as your monthly passive cash flow exceeds your number, your total savings could be zero and you would still have infinite months of permanent cashflow because that positive cashflow exceeding your number is all that really matters. Now, that doesn’t mean that I would recommend deplete your savings and live purely off of positive cashflow, because the reality is there are going to be fluctuations, but it gives you a different perspective. What you’re really looking for is to increase your monthly positive cash flow above your number, so that you can have an infinite capacity to survive passively, and then your total savings doesn’t really matter that much.

What If Your Income Is Passive, And Is Growing >12% (Nontraditional, Tax-Advantaged)?
So, what if your income is passive and you’re growing greater than 12 percent in a non-traditional tax-advantaged plan? You know, again, the same thing. Total savings plus monthly passive cash flow divided by your number is infinite. What you’re doing is you’re leaving a huge legacy for the people behind you. Your savings is never depleted. You’re financially free, and you’re free to pursue your passions, whether that’s working in medicine, or whether that’s painting, or whether that’s travel. Most people that are physicians have spent so long becoming physicians and they’re so passionate about becoming physicians and are so passionate about delivering awesomeness and care, they’re going to continue to practice medicine, but they won’t feel the stress and the day to day grind of that, and the burnout of medicine disappears.
I recommend that you work the number. So, what that means is cashflow divided by an investment equals a rate of return. For example, if you get $100,000 of cashflow and your investment was $1 million, that’s a 10 percent rate of return. Cashflow is the rate of return times the investment. So, this is just another example. If you take your cash flow and you divide it by 12, you get what you need for your monthly cashflow. What you want is you want your monthly cash flow to be greater than your number.
So, if you take the number, multiply by 12, divided by your rate of return, you’ll get the exact amount of investment needed, so you can work it backwards to figure out how much you have to invest to achieve your number and what the interest rates are.
This is just a different way to look at the same issue, but everyone should go through this to figure out what investment level they need and what their rate of return is. Once you do this, and this rate of return is post-tax, post-inflation, post-fees, once you do this, you have a whole different approach to your investment.

• So, again, what’s your number?
• What’s your rate of return?
• What are your real risk adjusted rate of return after fees, inflation, and taxes?
• How much capital will you need to deploy to be successful?
The reality is is that you’ve already won the money. You’re losing time. You have a high income. You’re 90 percent of the way there. If you just do a few things right, you can be incredibly
financially successful. You can leave a legacy. You can leverage other people’s time with your money and be incredibly successful at a much lower risk and a much higher reward.
Is Red Pill Kapital Right For You?
Are you looking to enhance your financial wealth and truly live the life that you deserve? Are you an accredited investor who’s interested in learning more about passively investing and cash flowing
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We search for value-added real estate for our passive commercial real estate partners, and we actively manage that investment long-term for a successful exit. We are Red Pill Kapital.
Find Us At Redpillkapital.Com

If you simply need more information. have questions, or want to discuss a specific deal, I’m always excited to help. Reach out to me at

If you are ready to start your journey to financial freedom but want specific additional educational materials, we have a course designed for physicians.

paindoctor podcast

The AviationZorro Podcast – Financial Well-Being And Awareness With Dr. Gurpreet Padda

Aviation United by AviationZorro chatted with Doctor and Red PIll Kapital (Commerical Real Estate Investment, development, and management company, with a focus on creating asymmetric returns for its investors) Founder Dr. Gurpreet Padda. The podcast explains Dr. Gurpreet’s background, What is Financial Well-being/Awareness, Financial difficulty and the impact on Mental-Health and Well-being, Why we love to spend money, the cost of training to become an Aviation Professional compared to the return in that investment, is it advisable to have a financial advisor, how to manage money, An overview of Red Pill Dr. Gurpreet has offered a Complimentary course worth $975 Dollars to listeners of this podcast. All you have to do is, listen to the podcast, reach out to Dr. Padda and let his team know you listened to the AviationZorro Podcast with Dr. Gurpreet Padda. info@redpillk.comDisclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of AviationZorro and our guests to the show and website.

The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or Aviation/Aerospace Employer, Regulator, an organization for questions related to you. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us. This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website. In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content establish a coaching session, employment interview, wellbeing advice, employment advice, the doctor-patient relationship. AviationZorro is an Ltd company based in Dublin, Ireland. If you find any errors in any of the content of his podcasts or blogs, please send a message to This podcast is owned by “AviationZorro LTD” If at any time you want to play or stop the podcast, it is at your own discretion. The podcast may contain conversation or opinions you may find unsuitable or against your opinions or beliefs, if you feel you may be uncomfortable, stressed, anxious, worried, concerned, upset, insulted by any of the podcasts, we recommend you do not listen to the podcast.

If you simply need more information. have questions, or want to discuss a specific deal, I’m always excited to help. Reach out to me at

If you are ready to start your journey to financial freedom but want specific additional educational materials, we have a course designed for physicians.